mardi 12 mai 2015


Faune from lauren ADASSOVSKY on Vimeo.

And here's my third year film!
It was a though one to make, I'm glad to be able to finally release it into the world!
A huge thank you to everyone who helped me make this film possible, and especially my baby brother Lucas, who composed a rad score in a week! Champion!

Hope you like it! :)

Et voilà mon film de 3eme année!
Celui là a vraiment été un challenge à faire, et je suis heureuse de pouvoir enfin le mettre sur internet!
Un énorme merci à tout ceux qui m'ont aidés à réaliser ce film, et tout spécialement mon petit frère Lucas, qui a composé une super musique en une semaine! Champion

J'espère que le film vous plaira :)

vendredi 8 mai 2015

Some dancers and some news

Some dancers and some news:
I  learned yesterday that I’ll be spending the summer at Pixar as an animation intern, and I couldn’t be more excited! I have no idea how often I’ll be able to post during those summer months, but I’ll do my best to not leave my blog unattended!
Also, my third year film FAUNE will be online in a couple of days (3 days tops). Please look for it this week end when it comes out! :)